
child of the 80/90's

Like any child with foreign parents, having junk food...no. excuse me. american junk food in the house was not tolerated. at home, snack time consisted of me and my brothers gnawing on large peeled orange carrots, sliced tomatoes with sugar or entertaining ourselves by seeing how many green grapes we could fit in our mouths at once. so, when we were old enough to have lunchtime at school, a whole new world of snacks were introduced to our sheltered palates. i realize that half of these snacks are only tasty before the age of ten, but still, its fun to reminisce.

dunk-a-roos-the ones with the chocolate frosting were the best!
slim jims
teddy grahams
trix yogurt-i liked the ones that were half hot pink/half neon yellow
handi snacks
doritos 3d-remember the commercials with ali landry?
fruit roll ups
HI-C Ecto Cooler-green orange juice? what was i thinking?
hot fries
amazing fruit gummy bears
abra-ca-bubble-red candy with gum in the middle
big league chew
gatorade gum
candy cigarettes-we thought we were sooooooo cool
string cheese
choco taco
fun dip
fruitstripes gum-shortest lasting flavor ever
koala yummies
candy necklaces
ring pops-caused sticky hands


marliss said...

my friends and i ate slim jims yesterday. we also were drinking steel reserves. so, i think it can slide. ;)

Izateddy said...

I love the nostalgia of this post, it really made me think back to middle school and elementary school. Do you remember razzles or burples? Those were both great 80's treats as well.

Unknown said...

I love the candy list. It is so funny what we eat as kids, some stuff I would not touch now.

clarissa explains it all said...

I really thought that I was the only person who ate sugar on my tomatos. Also, candy cigarettes will ALWAYS be awesome, not just for 10 and under...